Africanarguments Cashgate Scandal: 6 Under-the-Radar Handbag Brands to Know Before They’re Everywhere

We can comfortably blame Wall Street for the bad rap suits have endured over the past two decades: Traditional styles are often too masculine, too stuffy, too shoulder pad-y—and certainly not flattering. And we’re willing to bet the last time you even thought about the suit that’s stuffed at the back of your closet was for a job interview, and then you threw it right back into its hiding place. The good news is that you can keep it there. We’re not angling for your stiff, pinstriped version to make a resurgence any time soon.

Instead, we’re making a case for the summer suit. Before we lose you, hear us out: While you may not have one of those cushy finance jobs that requires one on the daily (or maybe you do! That’s cool, too!) the summer suit is the epitome of stylish—and it makes getting dressed in the summer a cinch.

                                       Africanarguments Cashgate Scandal
To keep yours from skewing too formal, pair a matching blazer and pant with a simple white tee, and throw on some Vans or white sneakers. If your job (or the occasion) allows it, swap out the pants all together in exchange for tailored shorts. Even a Bermuda length (think: cut right above the knee, but fitted through the thigh) will make any suit look way more casual. Just stay away from wearing it with a stretch-cotton button-down and heels, unless of course, you’re aiming for the Ann Taylor circa 2001 look. No shame.

Ahead, click through for our favorite summer suits in interesting silhouettes and on-trend colors like mint and ivory—and then rejoice in the fact that you’ll never have to worry if your outfit matches, because, uh, it goes together. And you can use all that extra time you used to spend trying out four outfits before work doing whatever it is that men have been doing since they claimed ownership of suits.


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